Sunday, September 21, 2008

What a Week!

Hello everyone! For those who don't know, we have had quite an eventful week. Andrew has been feeling kind of "off" for a few weeks - tired, thirsty, hungry, etc. but we chalked it up to being a growing boy. Finally when his teacher mentioned that he had used up almost all of his bathroom passes we took a close look and decided to take him to the doctor. We suspected diabetes. The doctor did not think he had it, but took a blood test anyway. Well, at 9:45 p.m. on Monday the doctor called us and told us that the test came back with a blood glucose of 926. Normal is 60-90 and diabetes is 200. Technically he should have been in a coma. So, I packed up a few of his things and drove him down to Phoenix Children's Hospital. We finally got into a room at about 4:30 in the morning. I had been up since 4:30 the day before. For the next 3 days we had intensive teaching and training on how to live with type 1 diabetes which is the kind where you have to take shots every day. It is not something that he could have avoided, he is just "lucky." We feel blessed that he is alive and doing much better at this point. He has gained 6 pounds already (which is a good thing for him.) The nurses and doctors were amazing. Andrew is amazing. He is giving himself shots and checking his own blood. He will be back to school tomorrow.

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