Sunday, August 16, 2009

Back to School!

Although I know that I should be totally happy to have my children back in school - and part of me is, since I worked all summer and did not get to stay home and play with them - it is with a little bit of sadness that I sent my children back to school last Monday.

Andrew is now a Freshman at Sunrise Mountain High School. He missed the bus his first day to come home (not bad considering he has never ridden a bus to or from school in his life.) But, since then, it has been pretty smooth sailing. He likes his classes, which are Algebra 1, Intro to Engineering and English/World Humanities and Chorus. He tried out for the show choir singing both bass and soprano just to show off. Only 9 boys tried out so he thinks he has a good chance of getting in. He will be trying out for the school musical this week which is "The Music Man." I am so glad he is jumping right in.

Marissa is in 6th grade this year and her teacher is someone that Grandpa Huber hired for the district when he was principal at Peoria High School. Small world. She is also taking Algebra 1 at school (although she says she doesn't like math), and she is excited because her teacher is going to put a lot of focus on writing. She is in the school chorus and we are going to try and find a new piano teacher for her, since hers is going to college in a couple of weeks.

Matthew has a teacher who is new to the school this year but he says she is really nice. They are going to be making a flashlight at some point in the year and he is really excited about that. Boys choir will not start until September when their first gig will be singing the National Anthem at a Diamondbacks game. Too bad it is on Sunday so he can't stay to watch.

Seth has moved over to Copperwood with Matthew and Marissa this year since he tested in, but also because I did not want to leave him at Apache since Andrew is gone. He seems to like school, but by Friday he fell asleep sitting in our rocking chair after he got home from school. It makes for long days for some of these little ones. He is in second grade and is excited because there is another boy named Seth in his class.

Lee is still teaching in the gifted program at 3 schools for 6-8th graders. He is busy as ever, but seems to enjoy it. He is learning a new math curriculum which is taking a lot of time though.

I am busy with work and other projects like Cub Scouts. I still love my job. However, one thing I hate about this time of year is that I have nothing to look forward to in big holidays or vacations. This summer our older kids had some fun trips, but our wonderful week at the cabin and a weekend at a resort were all we had. I know it is more than some, but it is sad to be back to routine.


Happy Mom said...

I don't mind school...the growing and progressing, but I wish school stuff (homework) didn't invade life so much that you can't continue to do those fun things you try to do in the summer: Watching movies together, staying up late watching the stars. The only thing we really did this summer was a camping trip (the kids all had activities of their own), and I feel sad about it...the oldest in 12th grade and leaving the nest soon. Fortunately we have some fall activities coming up (the drawback to Allen using his summer vacation time for Girls Camp and trek). Having a high schooler is a weird sensation, don't you think?

creay said...

Having a high schooler with early morning seminary and extracurricular activities and all the other things is a weird sensation. It has made me think back on my own high school experience, which, I must say, was pretty good. I think it will be fun.