Sunday, March 28, 2010

A loooonnnggg time........

It has been a busy few months for us and I just realized it has been three months since I have posted, unlike my niece Emma Pearl, who keeps her blog very up to date and interesting.

We are all doing well. School keeps Lee and the kids busy and I have almost a full part-time caseload of clients to keep me on my toes.

My youngest, Seth was baptized yesterday and I don't have pictures yet, but will post them soon hopefully. It was a wonderful day with both sets of grandparents and Aunt Patty there to celebrate with us. Seth is such a fun and sweet boy and it was nice to see him in the spotlight and to see him growing up.

Last week over spring break, Lee and I made a trip to the Mesa temple and had a nice session. On our way home, however, we were hit while traveling through an intersection and our cute little red Corolla was totalled. Miraculously, neither Lee nor I, nor the other driver had serious injuries. So, we are in the process of car-shopping.

That is about it. Work, choir, school, and so on and so on.


Anonymous said...

Thank u... i was looking for blogs to look at (with new posts) I hesitated for a while before i clicked the link to your blog. YaY!

Olga said...

Thanks for your post on my blog-
no one really reads it so it was nice to know that I am sharing my life with at least one of my friends. You are awesome. HOw are you and the kids. I saw your facebook today- Is Matthew feeling better? How did the play go?